For 2015, I'm going to:
- read 60 books (craft books/cookbooks do not count unless there is non-recipe/pattern chatter that makes up at least 25% of the book)
- continue to review at least 25 craft/cook books for the blog
- reread favorite childhood series: Little House and Anne of Green Gables. This is one of those rehashing of old goals I was just writing about
- read Robert Heinlein's books I haven't read before. He's one of my favorite authors of all times, but it's amazing how many books/short stories I haven't read by him. This is another previous book goal
- new goal for this year: Reread North and South by John Jakes, and read the rest of the series
- continue my 2014 goal of rereading the Outlander series. Currently on #2
- continue mixing my reading: some library, some netgalley, some amazon freebies, some reviews on books I got directly from the author, and most importantly, some non-fiction. I want to really try to concentrate on reading stuff off my TBR pile, something I always, always neglect!