Tunisian Crochet by
Sharon Hernes Silverman
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
Anyone who reads my blog regular knows that I've been rather hooked (pun intended) on tunisian lately. Besides devouring the net for patterns, hints, & tricks, I've been taking out books from the library, & so far I've been really disappointed with what I've been able to find. Most of them show the same 3 or 4 stitches that are easily found on the internet, & most of the projects are pretty much the same things: the scarf, the placemats, a plain bag, blah blah blah, using the same 3 or 4 stitches. They've all been so similiar I haven't even bothered to blog about them, because I had nothing positive to say. So when I took out Silverman's book, I wasn't expecting anything great.
but I was wrong & pleasantly surprised! Of course, there's the usual primer section with the same old boring basics & stitches that are in every crochet book on the market, it seems. But... the projects... are ones you'd actually want to make - using yarn you'd actually WANT to use!
yes, there is the usual scarf & bag (though the spin here is a felted clutch) -- but there's a very cute skirt, some nice wraps / shawls, a gorgeous duster (why are they called dusters, anyway? It's a cardigan) that I would actually wear, using affordable & easily found Lion Brand Cotton Ease. There are some very nice afghans & other wearables, too. I like this book enough I ordered one from amazon to keep in my personal craft library - and anyone who knows me, knows that's saying something!
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