My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a wonderful book about Adrienne's tale in knitting an Alice Starmore sweater, the holy grail of knitting. Though Adrienne does try to explain some knitting things to the muggles, aka non-knitters, it's obvious that only other crafters will really understand what it takes, and why, we would undertake a project such as this. She does a great job of explaining everything that goes into making a project of this size - from the little things like getting an audible subscription so she has something to knit to, from the larger things like finding substitute yarn.
Along the way, Adrienne is lucky enough to do a lot of traveling & meets lots of other knitters, including Ann & Kaye from Mason Dixon knitting, who are among my personal knitting favorites. She also gets into some history behind both Starmore & fair isle knitting, the latter which I was familiar with & the former I was not.
In the end, the result is something that probably wouldn't surprise any knitters & is something we've all gone through with any knitting or crocheting project near & dear to our hearts.
I may or may not have received a review copy for free - I have no memories of receiving or buying this book, & there are no price stickers on it anywhere.
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